Friday, August 1, 2008

Not in the mood...

So basically I am extremely annoyed to have to go to my camp this weekend. I think that I am just complaining right now because I am extremely exhausted and I really just need sleep. My dad informed me that we will be taking seperate vehicles so this means I need to drive for 2.5 hours in my current state...that's such a good idea? I am also bummed to be going this weekend because I just adopted mason and I love playing with him and I feel bad for handing him over to someone else for the weekend. In other news...3 weeks until I move!!! I am so excited. I just need a change of scenery. Even though I'm moving to an extremely familiar area, at least I'll be in a new apartment and get to just hang out with some friends I haven't seen enough of this summer. I really need to wake myself up. Blah. Driving to school never makes me like this even if i'm extremely tired i guess just because i really am always anxious to go back to school. Driving to my camp in the middle of nowhere though is a less than satisfying thought. Oh well no rock n roll sushi tonight pheebz sorry : ( Next weekend though maybe...please?

I need:
a table
a playpen
toys for bunbun
bar stools
miscellaneous houshold items

Lets hope im able to get these things relatviely soon. It's weird to think about packing up to go back to school again when it just seemed like not so long ago that I did this. Moving is a pain but I'm actually looking forward to this move-in obviously!

1 comment:

PHOEBE said...

rock and roll sushi next week fa sho.